Staying in Touch

The Valentine Neighborhood Association uses a variety of tools to communicate with our neighbors. They include the following.


The VNA sends out a monthly email. This list is used for emails from the VNA Board, as well as for our electronic newsletter. We do not share your contact info with anyone. You do not have to be a member of VNA to be on our email list, although we hope you will consider joining.

    • Who’s it for: The Board of the Valentine Neighborhood Association to share the newsletter, reminders, alerts and other information with our neighbors.
    • How to get it: Fill out this form to be added automatically. We need your address if you are or plan to be a member of the VNA. This is needed to acknowledge your household (physical address) as a member on our member list. For more information on the form fields and why we request the information, visit our Email Profile and Preferences page.


      * indicates required


      Email Options



The VNA has a Facebook page where neighbors can share news, photos and where people can connect.


The VNA has established a Nextdoor Neighborhood for Valentine. We suggest using Nextdoor for neighborhood needs instead of Facebook style socializing. You can categorize your posts, and set preferences for what categories and from which neighborhoods you want to receive Nextdoor email. The city of Kansas City and the Kansas City Police Department also use Nextdoor to reach out to their citizens.

  • Who’s it for: Nextdoor is a networking site to let neighbors reach out to each other for such things as Crime &Safety Information, Contractor Recommendations,  Lost & Found Pets, etc.
  • How to get it: Download the Nextdoor Valentine PDF. It explains how to sign up and how to set your preferences.

VNA website

Valentine maintains this website with neighborhood news, archives and links to vital information.

  • Who’s it for: Anyone who needs the latest information on the neighborhood.

Contact us​.

Valentine Neighborhood Association

Promoting Our Neighborhood Through Advocacy, Safety Initiatives and Community Events.