Save Valentine sent this letter to property owners north of Valentine Road and south of 35th Street last month.
Save Valentine is concerned Kansas City Life Insurance’s demolition plans threaten the area between 35th Street and Valentine Road from the Trafficway to Pennsylvania. As you probably know, the company informed us of plans to demolish 23 houses in the blocks just north of 35th Street last fall with no plan for what would replace them. Now, it appears they are beginning the process of demolishing homes on the next block.
We believe that creating a local historic district between 35th Street and Valentine Road from the Trafficway to Pennsylvania could help protect our neighbors in that area. Kansas City Life already owns 25 percent of the properties and appears to be beginning a process that could lead to the demolition of four homes or apartments in this area.
Because demolition could begin very quickly, we need to know whether you favor local designation for this block. We ask that you reply by Feb. 3.
Save Valentine invited residents of the proposed designation area to a meeting on Dec. 20. Jennifer Reinhardt of the city preservation staff explained local designation and answered questions. Almost everyone at the meeting favored pursuing this designation to preserve the vulnerable area and historic fabric of the neighborhood from further demolition. A flier from the city explaining local designation is included in this mailing. If you have any questions, contact the Historic Preservation Office at
Demolition of properties north of 35th Street began in October of 2024. At that time, the Valentine Neighborhood Association asked KC Life if it had a plan for redevelopment of the area and was told there was no plan. Those twenty-three buildings have been demolished, and three more north of 35th Street may be demolished.
This month, we were surprised to learn that KC Life has begun a process that could result in the demolition of four additional properties south of 35th Street.
They have disconnected the gas, are disconnecting the water, and have permits for hauling debris. They followed this same pattern before tearing down the 23 buildings north of 35th Street.
Kansas City Life has not shared any plans for the properties they have torn down. The land sits vacant, and its future use is unknown.
Why We Think Local Designation Is Beneficial
We have few tools to stop KC Life from demolishing more of our neighborhood. We believe local designation may help. Once the local district is established, property owners must appear before the Historic Preservation Commission to get permission to demolish a building. If denied, they would be required to wait three years before demolition could begin. This allows the concerned parties to work with an owner to find alternatives to demolition, such as finding a buyer interested in rehabbing and saving the property.
There are also tax credits available to owners in the local district.
Timeline for Local Designation Effort
We want to make sure everyone within the proposed district has a chance to understand its implications and express their support or concerns.
- A member of the Save Valentine group may also contact you within the next week to ask about your vote.
- Let us know your vote, pro or con, by Feb. 3.
- Send your vote and any comments to us at the email address below.
- If the neighborhood association agrees to move ahead, we will submit a local designation application in February.
- You will have another opportunity for input before a city commission.
Personally, the Save Valentine committee feels it is important to preserve what is left of our neighborhood, starting with this most vulnerable area. We thank you for taking the time to read the materials, ask questions, and respond to us on this issue.
Chris Jordan and Mary Jo Draper
On behalf of Save Valentine (