General Meeting Minutes Sept. 22, 2021

General Meeting 9.22.2021, 7:00 p.m., Browne’s Irish Store-patio 


Mary Jo Draper, Jim & Kelley Martin, Dana & Patty Meier, Cheryl Baird, Chris Jordan, Ed & Jennifer Larson, Linda McCurry, Ryan King, Travis (no last name), Kevin (no last name) 


  • Fire Pit Friday, 4th Friday of the month – volunteers to host welcome. October Fire Pit will be held on the 22nd, hosted by Travis. 
  • Development: Mary Jo Draper presented information on ongoing projects. 
  • Midtown Plaza Development, former MGE building: developer was presented with the neighborhood’s suggestions and concerns from the August general meeting. Owner contacted Development Chair, Mary Jo Draper, to urge neighborhood support before their return to city to amend the current plan.  

Mary Jo is watching the city’s website for project advancement. 

  • Fence on Washington: VNA Board submitted a letter urging BZA to follow the code guidelines for fences on private properties. The current fence exceeds the city’s zoning rules for private properties and did not receive a variance. KC Royals Baseball Club is pursuing the variance on behalf of player, Whit Merrifield, who owns the property. Jim Martin and Mary Jo Draper reported that there is a backlog with the BZA and will continue to monitor as the case progresses. 
  • Manor Square Project in Westport: Mary Jo reported that the project has submitted changes which have been approved by the city. The project will take over the space currently occupied by the parking garage between Penn and Mill Street and will now include a 10-story apartment building fronting Penn and a 9-story hotel fronting Mill St. The plan includes carve outs for the existing properties of Char Bar and Westport Coffee Shop. 
  • Converge KC (formerly Uptowne Shoppes & parking at Valentine Rd & Broadway): Currently leasing apartments in the first phase. No information on the tenants for the retail space on the ground level. 2nd phase beginning, separate structure built on the southeast corner of the lot. Originally planned as a boutique hotel but will now be apartments. Multiple reports from neighbors of fire alarms sounding from the property. Mary Jo Draper has a management contact number to call when this occurs. Mary Jo will try to organize a tour of the building for neighbors. 
  • VNA Board elections: will be held in October. Ed Larson will serve as the election committee. Anyone interested in serving or with a person to nominate, please contact him. 
  • Word on the Street: 
  • Midtown KC Now: Ryan King shared provided pamphlets with information on disposing of prescription medicine and their 40th on 40th celebration. 
  • Safety Committee: David Snodgrass shared via email that he has reached out to our safety officer for information on recent events. He will share any news she shares. Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the safety committee is welcome. 

Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Larson, Secretary  

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Valentine Neighborhood Association

Promoting Our Neighborhood Through Advocacy, Safety Initiatives and Community Events.