
VNA General Meeting

We hope to have someone from the Roanoke Park Conservancy join us to talk about improvements that have been made to our local park, what’s in store for this year, and how you can be involved. We’ll also have dates for this year’s dumpsters and committee updates. We’d like to hear your ideas for prioritizing […]

General meeting

MCC-Penn Valley Education Center, room EC004

We look forward to seeing everyone at our August 28 General Meeting. Here’s the agenda: Update from 4th District Councilman (and our neighbor) Crispin Rea Dance in the Park Committee Reports: reports from the development, crime, 38th Street Task Force, entertainment, and neighborhood environment committees October Elections: Nominations Open Membership input: ideas for guest speakers, issues and concerns. Our […]

VNA General Meeting

MCC-Penn Valley Education Center, room EC004

Valentine Neighborhood Association

Promoting Our Neighborhood Through Advocacy, Safety Initiatives and Community Events.