Neighborhood General Meeting
location TBD
location TBD
VNA General Meeting Jan 26, 2022 7:00 PM Zoom meeting Present: Mary Jo Draper, Teresa Grado-Spencer, Kathy Linder, Dana Meier, David Snodgrass, Chris Jordan, Delaney Smail MKCN, Rachel Whitsitt, Scott Simons, Charmaine Sanders, CJ Bai, Justin Short, Josh, Ryan &Cecilia King, Kelley Martin, Sandi Differding-Eaton, Lisa & Josh Parks , Crissy Dastrup, Justice Horn, Jim […]
Location TBD
VNA Dues Due! To make it easy to remember, we make your annual dues due in Feb. 14. Please visit our website store to contribute.
Location TBD
Please visit our store if you want to purchase an annual garden plot. Plots will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Assignments distributed for our Community Garden plots. Get excited for next month's Opening Day!
Valentine will hold a general membership meeting on Wednesday, March 23 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Topics on the agenda include: Community Garden Opening: Update from the garden committee Safety Update: Our police officers will join us for an update and to hear your concerns. Dumpster details MidtownKC Now Update Word on the Street: Your chance to bring […]
Valentine residents are invited to a public meeting to discuss the application of Melrose Abbey LLC for redevelopment of the Broadway Church at 3931 Washington. The developer wants to convert the former church into a first-floor event venue with four hotel units on the upper floors. More
Spire (formerly Missouri Gas Energy) has been conducting a pipeline upgrade in Valentine and other parts of Midtown for the past several years. Recently, residents of Coleman Highlands and Roanoke asked Spire to meet with the neighborhoods to explain the goals of the project and the timeline for upcoming work, including work that may affect […]