
VNA General Meeting

Online via zoom

Valentine Neighborhood Association general meetings are currently held via ZOOM on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. They are open to all homeowners, renters and businesses in Valentine as well as anyone with an interest in the area.  Watch this page and our Valentine newsletter for guest speakers, agendas and other information about […]

Spring clean-up

Valentine shows off its neighborhood pride by keepings its public green spaces clean and fresh. You can help out with these efforts by attending a neighborhood cleanup on Saturday, May 22.  Meet up at the community garden  (35th and Pennsylvania) at 9 a.m. – or just pick up the trash and debris around your own property.

General Meeting

Please join us for a Valentine Neighborhood Association general membership meeting on Wednesday, May 26 at 7 p.m. The agenda for this meeting includes: Recent shootings at gas station, 38th and Broadway: Officer Charmainne Sanders of the Kansas City Police Department will join us to discuss two recent shootings at the gas station at 38th and Broadway. She will update […]

Progressive Dinner

The progressive dinner for 2021 has been canceled.

General meeting June 23, 2021 7 p.m.

Online via zoom

Agenda 4th of July Plans: Parade at noon followed by social hour Vote on new secretary of Valentine Neighborhood Association Getting Back to normal activities (progressive dinner, 50th anniversary celebration) Thirsty Thursdays resume: July 15, Aug. 19 Feedback on yard sale Development update Safety committee update and text team signup   Join Zoom Meeting […]

Fourth of July: A Limited Celebration

As we open up again after COVID 19, Valentine will hold a 4th of July parade and social hour, but will not have the usual potluck we traditionally hold. This is a short parade around the neighborhood to celebrate Independence Day. It is a great tradition in Kansas City for neighborhoods to host parades, concerts, […]

Thirsty Thursday 5:30 p.m.

3775 Washington Our regular third-Thursday-of-the-month porch parties are back. Thirsty Thursday are held during the summer months (they become Firepit Fridays in the colder ones). You bring your favorite drink and join your neighbors to catch up on neighborhood news, share some snacks and meet people. It doesn’t matter if you have lived in Valentine […]

Dumpster day

Valentine’s dumpster day is coming up on June 24. The two dumpsters will be at the corner of Jefferson and Valentine on the south side of Valentine. There will be two dumpsters: one for yard waste and one for trash. The dumpsters fill up fast, so remember to be early. Remember that you must be […]

Neighborhood Wide Monthly Meeting

Online via zoom

UPDATE: TONIGHTS MEETING MOVED TO ZOOM Due to concern about COVID cases in Missouri and the return of the city’s masking policy, we are moving tonight’s Valentine general meeting to Zoom. This is disappointing since we were looking forward to seeing our neighbors in person. But we hope to see you on zoom. We’ll have […]

Thirsty Thursday – TBD

Weather permitting, come gather for beverages and shared community on a Neighbor's front porch, every third Thursday of the month. BYOB.

Valentine Neighborhood Association

Promoting Our Neighborhood Through Advocacy, Safety Initiatives and Community Events.