Dues to the Valentine Neighborhood Association are voluntary and go to support the various activities of the neighborhood, including meetings, parties, our website, newsletter and the annual dumpsters. Each household or individual membership also has a vote in VNA business.
The Valentine Neighborhood Association (VNA) sends invoices to members around Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, to make it easier to track and pay your Annual Membership of $30. If we have your email address on our list, you should have gotten an invoice this week. If you wish to be removed from this effort, have questions, or need something corrected, please reply to valentineneighborhood@gmail.com and let us know.
You can pay online with a credit or debit card by clicking the “Pay Invoice” button in the email. Within the payment screen, you can select “Save my card on file with Valentine Neighborhood Association” to have your dues paid automatically each year. This is handled by Square. The only information actually provided to the VNA are the last four digits of your card number and the brand of credit card.
You can also pay in our online store.