Letter from our new president

Hello neighbors and welcome to 2024!

I can’t wait to see everyone at our Annual Meeting on January 24th. The board has been working hard over the past couple of months preparing our Goals and Plans for 2024.  I am very excited about all the things we want to and will accomplish in 2024.  

At the beginning of each board meeting, I read the VNA Mission (I would encourage you to go to the VNA website and read it as well).  I believe it helps us stay focused and reminds us of what is important to the preservation of our Valentine Neighborhood.  During the Annual Meeting you will hear from each committee chair (or their representative) about their goals and plans for 2024.  During these presentations you will see how each of these relates directly back to our mission.  If you only attend one General Meeting this year, I hope you make it to the Annual Meeting on the 24th(and bring a neighbor).

My hope is that you will hear something that speaks to you, and you are (or can become) passionate about it.  I hope you volunteer to help and get engaged.  That you become part of a TEAM that is working to improve the Quality-of-Life within your neighborhood.  Together Everyone Accomplishes More!

There is a lot more happening in 2024 and your board is committed to making sure we communicate and provide you with the resources you need. However, we know we will do so much more as a neighborhood if everyone participates.

Thank you,

Travis Gaddis

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Valentine Neighborhood Association

Promoting Our Neighborhood Through Advocacy, Safety Initiatives and Community Events.