Valentine Neighborhood Association General Meeting
Held August 23, 2023, 7 p.m. at Penn Valley Community College Education Center room EC004.
Attendance: Kim Kimbrough, Bob Crutsinger, Corie Vogel, David Snodgrass, Kelley Martin, Jim Martin, Cheryl Baird, Chris Jordan, Ken Stewart, Mercedes Taylor-Puckett, Mike Jones, Linda McCurry, Christy Gaddis, and Mary Jo Draper.
Vice President Christy Gaddis called the meeting to order.
- Optum guest speaker – Jim explained that our guest speaker from Optum was not able to attend and will reschedule.
- Piac Priorities
- PIAC (the Public Improvement Advisory Committee) has set a deadline for applications by Sept. 15. There was also an in-person hearing on August 21. We discussed proposals we intend to make and support, and voted on priorities for the Valentine neighborhood.
- 40th and Pennsylvania traffic calming: Kim Kimbrough of the Westport Regional Business League said that traffic at 40th and Pennsylvania has been a problem for a decade. He says about 1 in 10 cars run the stop sign, there have been several pedestrians run over there ,and there have been incidents of shootings. WRBL thinks there is a need for traffic calming, which they hope to accomplish through raised crosswalks and speed bumps. They plan to ask PIAC for these funds.
- Action: Motion for a letter of support for the WRBL to support their traffic calming at 40th and Pennsylvania. Motion by Jim Martin, seconded by Mercedes Taylor-Puckett. All voted aye.
- 39th to Valentine traffic calming: A resident, Michael Salzman, has talked to neighbors in the 3600 block of Pennsylvania in Valentine and has asked the association to support a PIAC request for traffic calming on Pennsylvania. He originally asked for our support on speed bumps, but we heard at the in-person PIAC hearing that we should describe the problem rather than presenting a solution. Therefore, we discussed the traffic problems along Pennsylvania. Chris said we had submitted PIAC requests for traffic calming on Pennsylvania from 2001 through 2004. Bob Crutsinger said there is a lot of speeding at 38th Street. After discussion, the group agreed the association would support a PIAC application for traffic calming on Pennsylvania between 39th and Valentine.
- Action: Motion for the neighborhood to authorize Michael Salzman to apply for PIAC funding for traffic calming between 39th and Valentine on behalf of the Valentine Neighborhood Association. Motion by Jim Martin; seconded by Kelley Martin. All voted aye.
- Washington Street redesign: Jim Martin reminded the group that we closed the street behind the Uptown Theater in 2000. The area is now in disrepair and we would like to create a more environmentally-friendly area including a rain garden or bioretention basin to handle runoff from the Uptown. Councilman Eric Bunch advised Jim to submit a PIAC application. The board has voted to approve this submittal.
- Priorities: Since we plan to submit more than one application, we discussed whether we should prioritize them. We decided to submit both, then ask for a meeting with our PIAC representatives and/or council members and ask for their advice on prioritizing.
- 40th and Pennsylvania traffic calming: Kim Kimbrough of the Westport Regional Business League said that traffic at 40th and Pennsylvania has been a problem for a decade. He says about 1 in 10 cars run the stop sign, there have been several pedestrians run over there ,and there have been incidents of shootings. WRBL thinks there is a need for traffic calming, which they hope to accomplish through raised crosswalks and speed bumps. They plan to ask PIAC for these funds.
- PIAC (the Public Improvement Advisory Committee) has set a deadline for applications by Sept. 15. There was also an in-person hearing on August 21. We discussed proposals we intend to make and support, and voted on priorities for the Valentine neighborhood.
- 38th and Washington Task Force Update: Mary Jo Draper reported on the recent activities of the 38thand Washington Task Force. The Police Department has now declared the area a hot spot. The task force has identified a problem with reporting; people say they don’t know when to report incidents; how to report them, or what else to do with information. The task force is working on a simple document that we can hand out to help people understand what to do. Kelley Martin developed a survey which has been sent to task force members and will be shared with the entire neighborhood to identify priorities and steps neighbors are most likely to take. The task force also plans to partner with Old Hyde Park on a joint program to clean up the areas well as inform residents and businesses on how to report issues. We have reported the fire at the car wash on the south side of 39th Street to codes and are asking city agencies to take a look at the problems it has caused.
- Sept. 30 Progressive Dinner: Corie encouraged everyone to get involved in planning for the Progressive Dinner in September. The date has been changed to Sept. 30. You can sign up on the VNA website for $10 per person. Everyone brings a dish for one course of the dinner and should indicate which course they will bring on the website. Corie is looking for volunteers to help with set up.
- Porchfest Update: Porchfest will be held on Oct. 14. If you have not yet signed up, contact Katheryn Golden at
- Dumpsters: Reminder that Sept. 23 is a dumpster day.
- Nominating committee: Christy Gaddis is heading up the nominating committee. If you are interested in becoming a board member or if you would like to volunteer to be on the committee, contact the VNA at
Next meeting: Sept. 27, 7 p.m. Penn Valley Community College, Education Center, room EC004.