Neighborhood to Vote on National Historic Register Nomination

Valentine residents have spent the past several years gathering information for a historic survey of the neighborhood. The survey records the date of construction, early residents (when known) and history of every structure within the area. It also describes the creation of the neighborhood and how it changed over the years. The data has been submitted to the city Preservation Office. On Sept. 7,  the city’s historic preservation officer, Brad Wolf, presented it to the neighborhood. 

The survey report and forms are on a google drive you can access.

All Valentine residents were invited to the meeting to view the survey results and learn more about what it means to be on either the National Historical Register or the local historic register. The consensus of those attending the meeting was that residents would like to proceed with putting the neighborhood on the National Register, but we need more time to consider whether we want to apply to be on the local register. The VNA board of directors met after the meeting and made the same recommendation. 

Wolf explained that inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places does not require homeowners to go before the Preservation Commission if they wish to do modifications, paint or make other changes to their home. Some property owners within the district  may, however, be eligible for a state or federal investment tax credit on qualified rehabilitation expenses if their work conforms to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Building Rehabilitation.The program is intended to spotlight neighborhoods with significant history or cultural significance and to encourage owners to make improvements in their properties, which may increase the value of all property within the district. 

Handout on the difference between national and local historical designation
Details on the state and federal tax credits

Before we go ahead with this action, all interested residents of the neighborhood have a chance to express their views and vote. This vote will take place on Sept. 28 at the Valentine General Meeting. If you are at that meeting, you have a chance to vote. If you cannot attend the meeting, you may send your vote and any thoughts you have in advance to the Valentine board of directors by email at 

  • This is a preliminary step. State preservation officials must review the application for national historic designation and it is not guaranteed that our application will be accepted. 
  • At this time, we are only voting on applying to be a National Historic District. Being included in the Kansas City Historic Register requires approval for some changes from the Kansas City Historical Preservation Commission. We will have other opportunities to consider whether we want to go forward with seeking local designation and you will have a chance to learn more and voice your opinion. 

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Valentine Neighborhood Association

Promoting Our Neighborhood Through Advocacy, Safety Initiatives and Community Events.