Updated Dec. 17. 2020

QuikTrip has a new proposal for a store on Southwest Trafficway, this time on the west side at 3812 and 3822 Summit (Summit and Southwest Trafficway are the same street). This store is in the Roanoke neighborhood, but the location is of concern to folks in Valentine, Volker, Coleman Highlands and surrounding areas. 

QuikTrip intends to demolish the existing building and construct a new store. As we previously alerted neighbors, the company invited adjacent property owners to a meeting on Dec. 1 at 6 p.m. About 80 people from the surrounding neighborhoods showed up for the meeting, which QuikTrip asserted was an illegal meeting under Kansas City COVID restrictions. QuikTrip then left the meeting and neighborhood folks stayed behind to discuss the proposal.

The Valentine Neighborhood Board took a position against a QuikTrip at this location at a Dec. 2 meeting. At a general meeting on Dec. 16, the membership of the neighborhood voted unanimously to oppose the project. Neighbors raised concerns about traffic, the potential for drivers to cut through the neighborhood, potential light and noise issues, and the environmental impact. They also said they hoped to create a more walkable neighborhood rather than encouraging automobile-oriented businesses, and the negative impact on smaller locally-owned businesses.

A Roanoke committee fighting the proposal has asked for our help in two areas.

  • Opponents are gathering signatures on a petition to show the city and elected officials that there is strong opposition to a QuikTrip at this site. The petitions will be taken to our city council representatives. If you would like to sign the petition, you have several options:
    • Download the petition here, sign in and ask friends and neighbors to sign it, and then drop it off at 3625 Pennsylvania.
    • A petition is available at 3625 Pennsylvania, on the front porch under the mailbox. You can sign it there anytime. You don’t need to ring the doorbell. 
    • Deadline for petitions is Dec. 21
  • Write letters, call and/or email elected officials. The decision makers include our 4th district council representatives, Eric Bunch and Katheryn Shields, and the mayor.
  • Here is their contact info:

Mayor Quinton Lucas, City Hall, 29th Floor, 414 E 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106, 816-513-3500,, MayorQ@kcmo.org

Council member Katheryn Shields, City Hall, 414. E. 12th St. , Kansas City, MO 64106, 816-513-6515, Katheryn.shields@kcmo.org

Council member Eric Bunch, City Hall, 414. E. 12th St. , Kansas City, MO 64106, 816-513-6517, eric.bunch@kcmo.org

If you can’t attend the meeting but have thoughts about this proposal, please send them to us at valentineneighborhood@gmail.com.

Valentine (along with Roanoke, Coleman Highlands and Volker) successfully fought against a plan to build a QuikTrip at 33rd and Summit in 2014. The letter to adjacent owners says, “QuikTrip has a business demand to construct and locate another QuikTrip store within the Southwest Trafficway area.”

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Valentine Neighborhood Association

Promoting Our Neighborhood Through Advocacy, Safety Initiatives and Community Events.