Spire Upgrade Update

Representatives of Spire, the gas company, came to the neighborhood last night to report on the status of their gas main upgrade project, discuss timelines for completing the project and answer questions. They have also given us contact numbers so that we can get in touch with them with specific questions as the project is completed. 

The Spire representatives told us that the main gas line through Valentine was installed in 1907 or 1908 and has not been upgraded until now. 

The good news for Valentine is that most of their work has already been finished here. Right now they are completing work in the lighter green area of the map, which has caused traffic issues near Browne’s Irish Market. Once Phase B (lighter green) is complete, they will move across Southwest Trafficway and spend about three months working in Coleman Highlands. After that, they will work on Phase D, which includes Summit Street and Jefferson between 32nd and 35th

It is hard to predict exactly when they will come back to Valentine because it depends on weather and what problems they might encounter in Coleman. But they say they will keep the neighborhood informed and we will pass updates along to residents.

If you have questions or concerns about the project, you can contact Andrew Johnson at 816-969-2232 or Andrew.Johnson@SpireEnergy.com.

Click on the link below to see a letter from Spire about what to expect when the project comes to your block.

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Valentine Neighborhood Association

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